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Brauche mal einen Tipp

Antworten im Thema: 4 » Der letzte Beitrag (27. April 2013, 21:06) ist von Renault Magnum.

  • »Renault Magnum« ist männlich
  • »Renault Magnum« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer
  • »Renault Magnum« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 697

Wohnort: Erzgebirgskreis

OS: Windows 7 64-Bit

Game: ETS2

GV: 1.33.x

Danksagungen: 13377

  • Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 21. April 2013, 21:48

Brauche mal einen Tipp

Hallo Leute

Ich brauche mal einen Tipp. Ich fahre auf der Mega Mix Map für Patch 1.3, die ich hier heruntergeladen habe. Ich bin schon in der letzten Stufe. Da kommt ja die Aufgabe, alle 17 Firmen unfallfrei und ohne Verkehrsregeln zu verletzen abzufahren. Ich benutze einen Firmenskin-Mod. Habe alle abgefahren. Nur das Problem ist, das DHL zwei mal in der Aufgabe erscheint. Einmal hab ich schon abgefahren. Das zweite mal wurde nicht registriert. Mein Verdacht ist, das es irgendwo auf der Map eine Firma gibt, die als Standalone ist. Wenn ich den Firmenskin-Mod rausnehme und den Spielstand neu lade, steht da trotzdem DHL. Weiß einer vielleicht, wo die Firma ist? Wäre für eure Hilfe dankbar

Gruß Renault Magnum


King of the Road

  • »KingScania« ist männlich
  • »KingScania« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer

Beiträge: 1 023

Wohnort: Ulm

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2


Danksagungen: 3301

  • Nachricht senden


Sonntag, 21. April 2013, 22:03

Die Firma ist glaube ich im tiefen Südost-Europa...Budapest glaub ich...musste mal schauen. Der DHL Hof als Standaline sieht abnders aus als die Standart Firmenhöfe von SCS. ;)

MfG KingScania :)

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Benutzer, die sich für diesen Beitrag bedankt haben:

Renault Magnum

  • »Renault Magnum« ist männlich
  • »Renault Magnum« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer
  • »Renault Magnum« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 697

Wohnort: Erzgebirgskreis

OS: Windows 7 64-Bit

Game: ETS2

GV: 1.33.x

Danksagungen: 13377

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 22. April 2013, 09:58

Hab folgendes Problem, da ich jetzt nach Budapest fahren will

Spoiler Spoiler

******** : log created on : Monday April 22 2013 @ 09:52:23
09:52:23 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows 7 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
09:52:23 : [sys] DirectX version :
09:52:23 : [cpu] GenuineIntel [ Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G530 @ 2.40GHz] at ~2394MHz.
09:52:23 : [cpu] Features utilized: fpu cmov mmx sse sse2.
09:52:23 : [sys] using QPC / unknown timer (thread affinity: 0), frequency 2338457Hz
09:52:23 : physical memory detected (4177328K/2950884K)
09:52:23 : virtual memory detected (2097024K/2024348K)
09:52:23 : Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
09:52:23 : [zipfs] base.scs: mounted ok, 9452 entries [crc_0x89e9427f]
09:52:23 : [ufs] registered symlink from /custom_build/de_de to /
09:52:23 : [zipfs] <mem-addr-file>: mounted ok, 11 entries [crc_0xe4636951]
09:52:23 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator'.
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/CISTERNE.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/CISTERNE.scs: mounted ok, 17 entries [crc_0xcc948991]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_1.3_Mega_Mix_Map_Plus.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/ETS_1.3_Mega_Mix_Map_Plus.scs: mounted ok, 19600 entries [crc_0x4130dd14]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/food_cistern.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/food_cistern.scs: mounted ok, 38 entries [crc_0x50efc691]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/gTSflarepack_by_Samson.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] Unsupported compression method used: 8 for record #67 - readme flares.txt from 'C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/gTSflarepack_by_Samson.scs'.
09:52:23 : [zipfs] Unsupported compression method used: 8 for record #137 - README.txt from 'C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/gTSflarepack_by_Samson.scs'.
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/gTSflarepack_by_Samson.scs: mounted ok, 374 entries [crc_0x360da4c8]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Härtere
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Härtere mounted ok, 5 entries [crc_0xdfc5c8b9]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Jebany Intercars.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Jebany Intercars.scs: mounted ok, 34 entries [crc_0x17eabe67]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/krone reefer (SDP) VC (ETS).scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/krone reefer (SDP) VC (ETS).scs: mounted ok, 66 entries [crc_0xaa18495]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/new_horn_sounds.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/new_horn_sounds.scs: mounted ok, 12 entries [crc_0]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Pacton platform conteiner.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Pacton platform conteiner.scs: mounted ok, 104 entries [crc_0xa66ce934]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Piattaforma Container.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Piattaforma Container.scs: mounted ok, 18 entries [crc_0x209ebb41]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Renault Magnum 500.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/Renault Magnum 500.scs: mounted ok, 265 entries [crc_0xad15b9b0]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zEchte Firmen Mega Mod(Logo.Textur).scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zEchte Firmen Mega Mod(Logo.Textur).scs: mounted ok, 78 entries [crc_0xa2a47c0e]
09:52:23 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zgrip_ets_gts_all_trucks_v2.5.scs
09:52:23 : [zipfs] C:/Users/Stephan/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod/zgrip_ets_gts_all_trucks_v2.5.scs: mounted ok, 4 entries [crc_0xda227a7e]
09:52:23 : exec /home/config.cfg
09:52:23 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
09:52:23 : uset g_minicon "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_console "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_trackir "1"
09:52:23 : uset g_developer "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_save_idx "1"
09:52:23 : uset g_mouse_control "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_steering_func_param "0.0"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_brake_dz "0.0"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_brake "7"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_ff_gain "1.0"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle_dz "0.0"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_throttle "7"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_ff "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_combine "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_sens "0.6"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_steer_dz "0.0"
09:52:23 : uset g_joy_axis_steer "7"
09:52:23 : uset g_tutorial "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_job_sort "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_gauges "1"
09:52:23 : uset g_mirrors "1"
09:52:23 : uset g_fatigue "1"
09:52:23 : uset g_police "1"
09:52:23 : uset g_subtitles "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_quality "-1"
09:52:23 : uset g_reflection "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_atrans "1"
09:52:23 : uset g_flyspeed "100.0"
09:52:23 : uset g_lang "de_de"
09:52:23 : uset g_colbox "0"
09:52:23 : uset r_gamma "1.0"
09:52:23 : uset r_path "8"
09:52:23 : uset r_msaa "4"
09:52:23 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
09:52:23 : uset r_mode "1680x1050x32x0"
09:52:23 : uset r_device "gl"
09:52:23 : uset r_driver "gl"
09:52:23 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
09:52:23 : uset g_fps "0"
09:52:23 : uset ds8_mix_channels "2"
09:52:23 : uset ds8_mix_depth "16"
09:52:23 : uset ds8_mix_rate "44100"
09:52:23 : uset ds8_reverse_stereo "0"
09:52:23 : uset s_acceleration "0"
09:52:23 : uset s_mix_channels "2"
09:52:23 : uset s_mix_depth "16"
09:52:23 : uset s_mix_rate "44100"
09:52:23 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
09:52:23 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
09:52:23 : uset s_sfx_volume "1.0"
09:52:23 : uset s_music_volume "1.0"
09:52:23 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
09:52:23 : uset s_device "ds8"
09:52:23 : uset r_vsync "1"
09:52:23 : uset r_quirks "0"
09:52:23 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "0.2"
09:52:23 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
09:52:23 : uset i_force_gain "1.0"
09:52:23 : uset i_feedback "1"
09:52:23 : uset i_joystick2 "-1"
09:52:23 : uset i_joystick1 "-1"
09:52:23 : uset i_deadzone "0.0"
09:52:23 : uset i_device "di8"
09:52:23 : uset m_invert "0"
09:52:23 : uset m_sensitivity "0.33"
09:52:23 : uset m_filter "0"
09:52:23 : Euro Truck Simulator init ver.1.3 (rev. 24412)
09:52:23 : [r_effect] The effect name 'ui.fx' is not unique.
09:52:23 : [gl] ICD OpenGL driver detected.
09:52:23 : [gl] driver: GeForce GT 430/PCIe/SSE2
09:52:23 : [gl] vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
09:52:23 : [gl] version: 4.3.0
09:52:23 : [gl] GL extensions: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KHR_debug GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_alpha_test GL_NV_blend_minmax GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_complex_primitives GL_NV_compute_program5 GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragdepth GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5 GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters GL_NV_shader_atomic_float GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_lod_clamp GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
09:52:23 : [gl] GL_max_texture_size: 16384
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multitexture'
09:52:23 : [gl] Sampler count: 4
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_program'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_compression'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_cube_map'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_env_combine'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_texture_rectangle'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_transpose_matrix'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_program'
09:52:23 : [gl] Vertex attribute count: 16
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_shader_objects'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_vertex_shader'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_fragment_shader'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ATI_draw_buffers'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_blend_color'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_draw_range_elements'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_rescale_normal'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_secondary_color'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture3D'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_env_add'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic'
09:52:23 : [gl] Max anisotropy factor: 16
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_register_combiners'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_register_combiners2'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_texture_env_combine4'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_texture_shader'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_texture_shader2'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_texture_shader3'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_fragment_program'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_fragment_program_option'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_fragment_program2'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_vertex_program'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_vertex_program2'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_vertex_program2_option'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_NV_vertex_program3'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_extensions_string'
09:52:23 : [gl] WGL extensions: WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear WGL_NVX_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop2 WGL_NV_float_buffer WGL_NV_multisample_coverage WGL_NV_render_depth_texture WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_EXT_swap_control'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pixel_format'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_pbuffer'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_ARB_render_texture'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle'
09:52:23 : [gl] taking advantage of 'GL_ARB_multisample'
09:52:23 : [gl] Detected support for 16x anti-aliasing.
09:52:23 : [gl] Detected support for 8x anti-aliasing.
09:52:23 : [gl] Detected support for 4x anti-aliasing.
09:52:23 : [gl] Detected support for 2x anti-aliasing.
09:52:23 : [gl-quirk] Enabling workaround for alpha-testing overoptimization.
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: GL1X
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: ARB1
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: NV1X
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: NV2X
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: NV3X
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: NV4X
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: ARB2
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: GL2X
09:52:23 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
09:52:23 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
09:52:23 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 (nvd3dum.dll) [driver version:]
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: SM2X
09:52:23 : Rendering path available: SM3X
09:52:24 : [gl] CDS init: OK
09:52:24 : [gl] SetPixelFormat: OK (31, color 32 bits, depth 24 bits).
09:52:24 : [gl] wglCreateContext: OK
09:52:24 : [gl] OpenGL framebuffer context init OK
09:52:24 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/dashboard.tobj)
09:52:24 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/vehicle_env.tobj)
09:52:24 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/generic_env.tobj)
09:52:24 : [gfx] Created drawable (/procedural/water_env.tobj)
09:52:24 : [snd] select device (ds8)
09:52:24 : [ds8] Available device : Primärer Soundtreiber ().
09:52:24 : [ds8] Available device : ASUS 24T1E-3 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio) ({}.{5a68ec26-c8b9-4eeb-bdb1-7eae6e0eadac}).
09:52:24 : [ds8] Available device : Lautsprecher (5- Realtek High Definition Audio) ({}.{f0c99569-9c62-4194-956b-19b6d560cb68}).
09:52:24 : [ds8] Initialization OK.
09:52:24 : g_ui_recache
09:52:24 : exit
09:52:24 : [unit] File '/unit/hookup/tube_smoke_slow.sii', line 3:
09:52:24 : [unit] The unit name 'truck.smoke.pipe' is already taken by an existing unit (of type 'vehicle_particle').
09:52:24 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
09:52:24 : Loading city data ....
09:52:24 : Loading country data ....
09:52:24 : Loading cargo data ....
09:52:36 : game
09:52:36 : [Ode] Starting physics server: Open Dynamics Engine (svn revision 1119)
09:52:36 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/vehicle/truck/r620/gloss.png)
09:52:36 : [png] Can not load '/vehicle/truck/r620/gloss.png'
09:52:36 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/vehicle/truck/r620/
09:52:36 : [dds] Can not load '/vehicle/truck/r620/'
09:52:36 : Loading resource server data ....
09:52:36 : Loading road data ....
09:52:36 : Loading terrain data ....
09:52:36 : Loading railing data ....
09:52:36 : Loading building data ....
09:52:36 : Loading model data ....
09:52:36 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/model/marha/marha.pmd)
09:52:36 : [ld] failed to open /model/marha/marha.pmd
09:52:36 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/model/lovak/lovak.pmd)
09:52:36 : [ld] failed to open /model/lovak/lovak.pmd
09:52:36 : Loading prefab data ....
09:52:36 : [model] Model descriptor '/prefab/customs/big_road9.pdd' has incorrect file version 15 - expected version 4
09:52:36 : [model] Prefab descriptor '/prefab/customs/big_road9.pmd' has incorrect file version 4 - expected version 15
09:52:36 : Loading sign data ....
09:52:36 : Loading traffic lights data ....
09:52:36 : Loading vegetation data ....
09:52:36 : Vegetation schema 'mixed forest - 1 m from the road' has wrap_size (450) smaller than the generation span (642).
09:52:36 : Vegetation schema 'mixed forest - 101 m from the road' has wrap_size (450) smaller than the generation span (549).
09:52:36 : Vegetation schema 'maple and poplar tree1 - avenue' has wrap_size (500) smaller than the generation span (640).
09:52:36 : Loading hinges data ....
09:52:36 : Loading stamp data ....
09:52:36 : Loading movers data ....
09:52:36 : Loading animated models ....
09:52:36 : Loading ferries ....
09:52:36 : Loading city data ....
09:52:37 : Loading cargo data ....
09:52:37 : Loading company data ....
09:52:37 : Loading country data ....
09:52:49 : Map successfully loaded ....
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: sanbuilders) (city_name: posadas)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: eurogoodies) (city_name: posadas)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: euroacres) (city_name: curitiba)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: kaarfor) (city_name: curitiba)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: fcp) (city_name: salto)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: transinet) (city_name: salto)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: trameri) (city_name: santiago)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: kaarfor) (city_name: grande)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: tree_et) (city_name: grande)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: sellplan) (city_name: fe)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: itcc) (city_name: fe)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: posped) (city_name: montevideo)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: sellplan) (city_name: montevideo)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: posped) (city_name: santiago)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: lkwlog) (city_name: fe)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: eurogoodies) (city_name: montevideo)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: tree_et) (city_name: salto)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: posped) (city_name: linares)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: euroacres) (city_name: pelotas)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: tree_et) (city_name: pelotas)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: euroacres) (city_name: maracaibo)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: tree_et) (city_name: medellin)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: euroacres) (city_name: medellin)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: trameri) (city_name: maracaibo)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: posped) (city_name: maracaibo)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: eurogoodies) (city_name: campana)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: eurogoodies) (city_name: pergamino)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: eurogoodies) (city_name: rivera)
09:52:49 : Company item with missing counter part in the economy! (company_name: eurogoodies) (city_name: minas)
09:52:49 : Starting the saved game (/home/save/autosave) ...
09:52:49 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/vehicle/truck/madziaspeedtrans2/
09:52:49 : [dds] Can not load '/vehicle/truck/madziaspeedtrans2/'
09:52:51 : Reflectivity / env_factor ought be non-zero - fix the source of material '/automat/5d/e53989.mat'.
09:54:44 : [model] Unknown look name 'stokes' on model '/vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trailer.pmd'
09:54:44 : Cannot find company look : stokes for trailer.reefer
09:54:44 : [model] Unknown look name '' on model '/vehicle/trailer_eu/reefer/trailer.pmd'
09:54:44 : Unable to load trailer visual model with look: , variant: fridge_a ...!
09:54:44 : .\vehicle\trailer.cpp(430): ?load_visual_model@trailer_u@prism@@IAEXXZ: Wrong trailer model!


King of the Road

  • »KingScania« ist männlich
  • »KingScania« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer

Beiträge: 1 023

Wohnort: Ulm

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2


Danksagungen: 3301

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 22. April 2013, 11:12

Einer der Trailer hat nen Schaden in der pmd, erkennt die Firma Stokes nicht. Und das GTS Flarepack ist falsch gepackt. Das ist allerdings das leichtere Übel. Das mit dem Trailer, entweder fixen im ZMod oder rausschmeissen.

MfG KingScania :)

  • »Renault Magnum« ist männlich
  • »Renault Magnum« ist ein verifizierter Benutzer
  • »Renault Magnum« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 697

Wohnort: Erzgebirgskreis

OS: Windows 7 64-Bit

Game: ETS2

GV: 1.33.x

Danksagungen: 13377

  • Nachricht senden


Samstag, 27. April 2013, 21:06

Habe das mysteriöse 2. DHL gefunden. Ist in Sofia/Bulgarien. Das Firmenlogo ist etwas größer als das übliche und wie KingScania schon gesagt hat, ist der Firmenhof anderst. Also wenn jemand auf der Mega Mix Map fährt und in der letzten Stufe ist, fährt am besten Sofia.

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