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problem mit ETS 2
Moin ich hab ein problem mit ETS 2
Es reagiert nicht mehr so richtig auf die Mods die einfüge und bei dem Daf beim Dashboard ist der größte Teil schwarz und der andere Teil ist heller.
Er zeigt mir auch in der game.log an das ich fixen muss und mein spiel läuft auch nicht mehr so ganz rund.
kann mir jemand bitte helfen
MFG master007
wenn du die game.log hier rein stellst können wir dir auch sagen was du ändern musst
das ist aber ein bisschen groß
bei zulanger log darfst doppelt posten
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.6308' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.dryliner') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.6980' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.skopapier') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.6A38' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.somm1x20') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.6FF8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.doll_bf3') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.7220' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.dryliner') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.7500' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.class') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.75B8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.skohummer') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.7670' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.krone4') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.668 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.7950' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.class') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.7F10' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.doll_bf3') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.8640' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.class') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.86F8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.krone4') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.2DA5.8920' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.holcim') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.21D8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.2290' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.dryliner') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.2348' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.somm1x20') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.24B8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.skopapier') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.2628' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.junk') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.26E0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.20ftopen') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.2850' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.skopapier') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.2908' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.skopapier') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.29C0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.krone5') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.2B30' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.maschplatte') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.2E10' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.maschplatte') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.2F80' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.dryliner') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.3038' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.doll_fuss') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.30F0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.scania') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.3318' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.3488' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.35F8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.krone5') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.36B0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.krone4') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.3768' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.doll_bf3') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.669 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.3A48' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.3B00' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.truckengines') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4008' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.sommleer') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.volvo_pow' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4178' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to '') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4230' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.transmission') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.42E8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.waste') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.43A0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.junk') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4458' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.truckengines') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4510' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.carengines') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.scania_dem' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4680' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.waste') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4738' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.scania') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.scania_fac' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.scania_wh' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4A18' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.waste') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4AD0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.truckengines') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4B88' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.scania') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to '' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to '' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.alds' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.aldn' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.ikea' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4F20' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.junk') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.4FD8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.waste') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.5370' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.junk') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.670 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.57C0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.waste') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.5AA0' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.carengines') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.5CC8' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.scania') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.5D80' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.transmission') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.671 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.metro' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.671 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.saab' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.6900' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.waste') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.671 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'company.permanent.hofer' looks like dangling pointer.
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/profiles/4D6178692054686F6D73656E/save/1/game.sii':
00:04:59.671 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.5D92.7818' of type 'job_offer_data' has dangling pointer (to 'cargo.forklift.waste') in the attribute named 'cargo'.
00:05:00.658 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:05:01.836 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:05:01.877 : Garage update started.
00:05:02.008 : Garage update finished.
00:05:02.026 : Economy load time: 4591ms (17 MB)
00:05:02.072 : Create actor: (4 MB)
00:05:02.099 : Game init finished. (29 MB)
00:05:02.370 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:05:02.370 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:05:02.370 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:05:02.370 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:05:02.598 : Incompatible save game loaded.
00:05:03.070 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:05:03.070 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:05:03.070 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:05:03.070 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:05:05.308 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:05:05.308 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - defpost)
00:05:05.308 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:05:05.308 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - defpost)
00:05:06.697 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:05:07.039 : [startup] spawned 11 vehicles
00:05:07.470 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:05:07.563 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:05:07.655 : <ERROR> Incorrect rear wheel definition for /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:05:07.655 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:05:07.655 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:05:07.655 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (6, 7). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:05:07.656 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/automat/pa/1ca6a22c6bed140352849cbe7522a45ce23a50.mat" in the read_only mode
00:05:07.656 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/automat/pa/d44ec47965d76a9236cf4831626085debad9cc.mat" in the read_only mode
00:05:07.656 : <ERROR> [resource_task] Can not open '/automat/pa/d44ec47965d76a9236cf4831626085debad9cc.mat'
00:05:07.656 : <ERROR> [resource_task] Can not open '/automat/pa/1ca6a22c6bed140352849cbe7522a45ce23a50.mat'
00:05:07.685 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/automat/pa/56a7cd10384204080a8ec132719a433041ea9c.mat" in the read_only mode
00:05:07.685 : <ERROR> [resource_task] Can not open '/automat/pa/56a7cd10384204080a8ec132719a433041ea9c.mat'
00:05:07.699 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:05:07.902 : [startup] spawned 2 vehicles
00:05:08.272 : [startup] spawned 15 vehicles
00:05:08.361 : [startup] spawned 10 vehicles
00:05:08.450 : [startup] spawned 5 vehicles
00:05:30.870 : <ERROR> Incorrect rear wheel definition for /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:05:30.871 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:05:30.871 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:05:30.871 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (6, 7). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:06:01.763 : [traffic] Vehicle 45 blinks.
00:06:07.270 : [traffic] Vehicle 6 blinks.
00:06:08.205 : [traffic] Vehicle 25 blinks.
00:06:12.742 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/trailer_eu/cement_cistern/paint_Trameri.mat" in the read_only mode
00:06:12.742 : <ERROR> [resource_task] Can not open '/vehicle/trailer_eu/cement_cistern/paint_Trameri.mat'
00:06:13.589 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/trailer_eu/cement_cistern/" in the read_only mode
00:06:13.589 : <ERROR> [dds] Can not load '/vehicle/trailer_eu/cement_cistern/'
00:06:13.631 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/trailer_eu/cement_cistern/" in the read_only mode
00:06:13.631 : <ERROR> [dds] Can not load '/vehicle/trailer_eu/cement_cistern/'
00:06:14.973 : <ERROR> Incorrect rear wheel definition for /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:06:14.974 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:06:14.974 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:06:14.974 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (6, 7). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model: /vehicle/trailer_eu/panel_transporter/paneltrans.pmd
00:06:25.255 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:25.255 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:25.255 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:25.255 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:33.149 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:33.149 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:33.149 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:33.149 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:35.733 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:35.733 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:35.733 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:35.733 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:37.053 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:37.053 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:37.053 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:37.053 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:37.568 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:37.568 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:37.568 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:37.568 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:43.624 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:43.624 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:43.624 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:43.624 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:44.159 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:44.159 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:44.159 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:44.159 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:44.469 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:44.469 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:44.469 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:44.469 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:44.615 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:44.615 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:06:44.615 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:06:44.615 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:07:16.863 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:07:16.863 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
00:07:16.863 : <ERROR> [gl] unable to map fibres (v.tex_coord_1)
00:07:16.863 : <ERROR> [gfx] Failed to create pipeline setup for (/vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/materials/upg_shared.lamp.add.mat - fwdopaque)
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